Week 22! January 19, 2015


New vocabulary I have adopted. Hogwash – Meaningless speech.
I love how on the mission you learn new English words.
Putting young before everything, everyone are chomes, some people we just hogwash with. It’s great learning english haha.

Monday I had a great P day. I cut my own hair and I thought I did alright with it. We played a game of LDSopoly, like monopoly and we played some San Guo Sha. We gave a blessing to Sister Z (not Sister T) and we finally had dinner with a member. It was a little awkward because the member who invited us didn’t come and the less active father was home and he fed us but he didn’t eat with us and he just left during the meal so we were eating by ourselves with S. He’s 17 I think. he wasn’t eating as well. It was just awkward but that’s missionary work for you.

Tuesday I got to hogwash with A and Mrs. W at English class. We had our first zone meeting with the new zone and our zone is so big. So many new people to get to know and so many things to do. Sister T cancelled on us today which is like a first. We visited Y and discussed some more stuff from the For strength of youth and taught him more English. No one came to our evening class so we went and visited B and I. B was sleeping so we visited with I and E and it was great.

Wednesday I went on an exchange with Elder Peterson and it was interesting. The Chinese North area is difficult. They don’t have any investigators and we spent a long time walking around China Town. We knocked on doors and tried to visit less actives but I didn’t teach a lesson the whole day. One person let us in but he was a chome. I got to go to Go Go Ice which is a really good smoothie place and they put tapioca in it, it was good. Today was my first day walking around China Town where no one likes you and it’s lame. I also visited Happy Village which is where the Chinese Elders used to live.

Thursday I hogwashed with A at English class. Weekly Planning went by way fast and we never have enough time to do what we need to do. Sister T actually did pretty good today. She randomly retains a few things. I finally got to meet with K, I haven’t talked with him since around Christmas. He’s doing fine and he got in a small car accident so we helped him discuss who’s fault it was and it was a little complicated. Basketball night was crazy because it was only R and his friends. I can’t keep them under control but I did beat them at basketball because they all aren’t very good.

Friday I played Basketball in the morning with some other elders from the mission. The assistants came and President Ashton, it was fun playing, sometimes it gets way too intense though. I hogwashed some more with A and Mrs. W at English class. We visited Sister T and she hadn’t learned anything new yet. We reviewed the Restoration with B and I, they both seem to remember most of it, I knew most of it anyways. We taught M with Sister H and we asked Sister H who Joseph Smith was and she said she had no idea. So much for member present lessons haha

Saturday we had normal correlation and then studies. We went and did yard work for J which consisted of picking up tons of bags of leaves and lots of his dogs poop, it was a little gross but it was still fun. We practiced our Lion Dance which was fun, it’s pretty hard to do the lion dance. We ate dinner at the Dao’s house who are vegetarians and I love the Dao’s and their food. I’ve never had so many different types of tofu but it was was good. We drove around a lot trying to find some referrals but we had no luck and couldn’t find where they were.

Sunday M said she would come to church but we were almost to her house and then she said she was busy. We found a new investigator at church and she accepted a date on the 31st which is awesome. That was a miracle. I got my first kiss on the mission. A’s little sister C who is like 2 gave me a little kiss on the hand when I was leaving. She is so cute haha. We taught A all the commandments and he said he would keep all of them.

Monday we played San Guo Sha with Y and Sister T is still dong fine, we gave her tons of food because we’re never going to eat it. I went to Wendy’s again and some homeless dude came in and stole all the sugar and some utensils haha, so funny. Su told us that L wanted him to move out which was the miracle of the day, it’s sad but she’s a chome and wants to find a rich guy to date. Now he can be baptized!! We finally met with Brother L and he’s good, he just doesn’t have time to go to church.

Today we are teaching English right now and P day is just started. No special plans for today but today just started.

Thanks for listening, all out of time.
See you next week
Keep spreading the Gospel
Elder Wimmer

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